Blessed Jesus, let me fly!

Dean comments:
I was particularly moved by your July 25 entry for many reasons, but especially because I love birds and the wind and the notion that our spirits are like birds that should soar on the wind (Le Vent de l’Espirit,)

I imagine birds must feel joy when they fly. Just think -- these tiny creatures built of little more than feathers and hollow bones and powered by nothing more than a few grains of seed can defy gravity, master the wind and soar toward eternity. Sometimes as I watch them, I feel as if God is saying to me "Are you feeling a little weighed down? Why aren't you flying yet, my friend? What will your life be like when you finally shed the burdens that keep your spirit from joining mine?"

I felt really blessed when earlier in my net-surfing career, I stumbled across Desmond Tutu's 2000 commencement address at Brandeis U. It helped me crystallize my thoughts about my spirit in a way I never could have myself I have turned to its last paragraph time and time again for inspiration. Like so many other good and beautiful things in this world, its sentiments leave me with nothing else to say after I've finished reading except "Praise God!" and "Blessed Jesus, let me fly!".